This my first day to turn porn off, actually I wish to win over 90 days this time, that little bit pressure for me, but I don't want to break the record of last year
Because I could got any website of porn in the world and then I have more temptation in my life, I always resisted the temptation with my effort before, therefore, I have to go
Second day, I lost over 100 hairs yesterday, it should got hurt with last masturbation in my body, motherf**k. Today, I'm going to go pack to move house, that can be busy.
Yesterday, I have helped someone to be kind and saw more articles and learned from other people, I'm ready to do it again and workout today, this workout helps to recover my health soon
Sixth, today I have took the subway to interview, during interchange station, the police ask me to show personal ID, I found anything about me in his handheld device, we havn't privacy anymore in China, obviously, they already lost over one billion personal data last month in Shanghai.