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色瘾脑前言1 翻译自《Your brain on porn》附有英文原版

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dutdk 发表于 2022-5-30 15:18:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《Your brain on porn》(翻译《色瘾脑》)是由国外作家生理学家GaryWilson 在15年出版的著作。此书以纯粹的神经科学(即研究人体大脑结构与行为)来解释人体大脑对看黄的成瘾机制。此书的不以任何道德,宗教或是哲学的观点来看待色瘾,而是完全以科学的角度来辩证色瘾的危害。人类的一切行为,性格和想法都是由大脑来控制的。那么最好能解释人们对看黄sy上瘾的机制,也应该从研究大脑入手。
引言 (第一部分)
然而,当许多人开始出现在我妻子(作者的妻子是一位心理学家)的网站论坛上宣称他们开始对色情片上瘾时,我意识到了这可能某个严重而不知名的问题正逐渐出现。作为一个资深的解剖学和生理学教师,我尤其对大脑的可塑性(即研究个人经历如何改变人体大脑结构),食欲机制和上瘾感兴趣。我无时无刻关注着这方面的研究,我对关于发现关于食欲的增强和食欲如何变得毫无规律很有兴趣。这些描述自己症状的人们大都提及到了由于自己对色情片的滥用,已经极大地改变了自己的大脑结构,从而对色情片上瘾。精神病学家NormanDoidge在他的畅销书《Brain that change itself》中解释了这个现象:
这些在电脑前观看色情片的人们…….他们已经深陷在色情片对大脑的反复训练阶段”了这种训练刚好满足了大脑的可塑性变化条件。他们大脑里的神经元在不断地传递信号并形成一个对色情片的回路。这些人在不断地接受大量的“训练”,最后将这些色情信息存储在自己大脑里的快乐中枢里…..每当他们产生性刺激和  在因sy时产生性快感时,大量多巴胺喷涌而出。这种奖赏神经递质和进一步程度加强大脑奖赏中枢和色情片的连接性,这种由奖赏中枢带来的快感不仅仅会促进人的行为也会使人们失去罪恶感。当一个人在店里买Playboy这种色情杂志时,他的大脑会不断地输出奖赏信号使大脑产生快感并不断地抑制大脑产生羞愧和罪恶的反应。当网站引入了新的主题和脚本(这里指黄网内容)时,这将在看黄者毫无意识的情况下改变他们的大脑结构,并且使他们产生兴奋的内容也发生改变。因为大脑的可塑性是非常强烈的,大脑将舍去过去能使其兴奋的内容而重新绘制成一个新的和更强烈的欲望,所以,我相信,这就是为什么那些经常看黄的人会对自己的女朋友慢慢失去“性趣”。
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. Aristotle
You might be reading this book because you're curious why hundreds of thousands of porn users around the globe are experimenting with giving it up.[2] But more likely you're reading it because you are engaging with pornographic material in a way that you find troubling. Maybe you have been spending more time online seeking out graphic material than you want to, despite a settled determination to cut back. Maybe you are finding it difficult to climax during sex, or you're plagued by unreliable erections. Maybe you're noticing that real partners just don't excite you while the online sirens beckon constantly. Maybe you've escalated to fetish material that you find disturbing or out of alignment with your values or even your sexual orientation. If you’re anything like the thousands of other people who have realised that they have a problem, it has probably taken you a while to connect your troubles with your porn use. You might have thought you were struggling with some other disorder. Perhaps thought you had developed unaccustomed depression or social anxiety or, as one man feared, premature dementia. Or maybe you believed that you had low testosterone or were simply getting older. You might even have been prescribed drugs from a well-meaning doctor. Perhaps your physician assured you that you were wrong to worry about your use of pornography.  There are plenty of authoritative voices out there who will tell you that an interest in graphic imagery is perfectly normal, and that therefore internet porn is harmless. While the first claim is  true, the second, as we shall see, is not. Although not all porn users develop problems, some do. At the moment, mainstream culture tends to assume that pornography use cannot cause severe symptoms. And, as high-profile criticisms of pornography often come from religious and socially conservative organizations, it's easy for liberally minded people to dismiss them without examination. But for the last seven years, I have been paying attention to what people say about their experiences with pornography. For even longer, I've been studying what scientists are learning about how our brains work. I am here to tell you that this isn’t about liberals and conservatives. It isn’t about religious shame or sexual freedom. This is about the nature of our brains and how they respond to cues from a radically changed environment. This is about the effects of chronic overconsumption of sexual novelty, delivered on demand in endless supply.  Until about half a dozen years ago I had no opinion about internet porn. I thought that two-dimensional images of women were a poor substitute for actual three-dimensional women. But I've never been in favour of banning porn. I grew up in a non-religious family in Seattle, the liberal Northwest. ‘Live and let live’ was my motto.  However, when men began showing up in my wife's website forum claiming to be addicted to porn it became clear that something serious was going on. A long-time anatomy and physiology teacher, I am particularly interested in neuroplasticity (how experiences alter the brain), the appetite mechanisms of the brain and, by extension, addiction. I'd been keeping up with the biological research in this area, intrigued by discoveries about the physiological underpinnings of our appetites and how they can become dysregulated.
The symptoms these men (and later women) described strongly suggested that their use of pornography had re-trained, and made significant material changes to, their brains. Psychiatrist Norman Doidge explains in his bestseller The Brain That Changes Itself:
The men at their computers looking at porn ... had been seduced into pornographic training sessions that met all the conditions required for plastic change of brain maps. Since neurons that fire together wire together, these men got massive amounts of practice wiring these images into the pleasure centres of the brain, with the rapt attention necessary for plastic change. ... Each time they felt sexual excitement and had an orgasm when they masturbated, a ‘spritz of dopamine’, the reward neurotransmitter, consolidated the connections made in the brain during the sessions. Not only did the reward facilitate the behaviour; it provoked none of the embarrassment they felt purchasing Playboy at a store. Here was a behaviour with no ‘punishment’, only reward. The content of what they found exciting changed as the Web sites introduced themes and scripts that altered their brains without their awareness. Because plasticity is competitive, the brain maps for new, exciting images increased at the expense of what had previously attracted them – the reason, I believe, they began to find their girlfriends less of a turn-on ...  As for the patients who became involved in porn, most were able to go cold turkey once they understood the problem and how they were plastically reinforcing it. They found eventually that they were attracted once again to their mates.
The men on the forum found such material and the research underlying it both comforting and helpful. At last they understood how porn had hijacked the primitive appetite mechanisms of their brains. These ancient brain structures urge us toward evolutionarily beneficial behaviours including an appreciation of novel mates, helping to discourage inbreeding. However, our behavioural choices in turn affect our neurochemical balance in these same brain structures. This is how chronic overconsumption can have unexpected effects. It can make us hyper-aroused by our favourite enticements, such that immediate wants weigh heavier than they should relative to longer term desires. It can also sour our enjoyment of – and responsiveness to – everyday pleasures. It can drive us to seek more extreme stimulation. Or cause withdrawal symptoms so severe that they send even the most strong-minded of us bolting for relief. It can also alter our mood, perception and priorities – all without our conscious awareness.
Wilson, Gary. Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornographyand the Emerging Science of Addiction . Commonwealth Publishing. KindleEdition.
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